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Industrial Grinder
Industrial Grinder

Industrial Grinder

Our Industrial Grinder is used to enhance solids treatment in Wastewater applications and sludge handling systems. With a focus on uniformity and efficient solids reduction, our Industrial Grinders, engineered with a robust design and adaptable internal components, ensure optimal performance while maintaining cost-effectiveness.

Typical applications for our Industrial Grinders:

  • Wastewater Treatment
  • Sludge Handling Systems

We have 3 models available for this grinder, the TGR 5, TGS 5 and TGC 5, each offering the following capabilities:


  • Power: 1.1 – 1.5 kW
  • Flow Rate: 100 m³/h
  • Pipeline Size: 100 mm
  • Pressure Drop: 0.05
  • Standard Dimensions (Approximate): 1180 (A) x 629 (B) x 140 (C) mm
  • Weight: 220 kg
  • Standard version with a cantilever design



  • Power: 1.5 – 2.2 kW
  • Flow Rate: 100 m³/h
  • Pipeline Size: 100 mm
  • Pressure Drop: 0.05
  • Standard Dimensions (Approximate): 1216 (A) x 700 (B) x 212 (C) mm
  • Weight: 250 kg
  • Strong version with second-bearing housing for heavy-duty applications



  • Power: 1.1 – 1.5 kW
  • Flow Rate: 100 m³/h
  • Pipeline Size: 100 mm
  • Pressure Drop: 0.05
  • Standard Dimensions (Approximate): 1263 (A) x 783 (B) x 294 (C) mm
  • Weight: 230 kg
  • Standard version with stone catcher
Features & Benefits
  • Protects pumps from solid particles, enhancing their life cycle
  • Increases the durability of components prone to wear and tear
  • Safeguards critical equipment from damage caused by tough solids
  • Blocks inorganic material while allowing organic matter to continue through the process
  • Enhances material processing efficiency
  • Improves the quality of the process by reducing organic material
  • Allows for the use of smaller piping and pumps, reducing initial investment and operational costs
  • Shortens pump run cycles and lowers electrical power consumption
  • Facilitates better plant cleaning procedures, ensuring efficient operation and maintenance