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A photo of a Diaphragm Pump Pneumatic Level Controller

Accessories for your Air-Operated Diaphragm Pump

Michael Carter
written by:

Michael Carter

External Sales Manager


Tapflo UK offer an extensive range of Pneumatic Diaphragm Pump Accessories, designed to enhance your operational capabilities and pump performance.

Diaphragm Pump Accessories

We know how versatile Diaphragm Pumps are but occasionally installations or customer requirements need support from Tapflo’s range of pneumatic Diaphragm Pump accessories. Our full range of pneumatic Diaphragm Pump accessories have been designed and manufactured by Tapflo UK’s Technical Director and are now sold globally through the Tapflo Group network, find out more about our products below.

Don’t have a Diaphragm Pump? You might be a little lost, if you’re looking for accessories for another pump supplied by Tapflo UK, you can browse our Pump Accessories or speak to a member of our team using our live chat now to see how we can improve the efficiency of your pumping system.

Guardian System

Guardian System for Diaphragm Pumps

Our innovative Guardian System protects your pump to ensure it is running efficiently which extends the life of your Diaphragm Pump. By monitoring the fluid pressure inside your pump, the Guardian can change the output of your pump to save your factory energy. Not only does our Guardian System assume efficient operation of your pump but it also safeguards the pump, surrounding environment and user when handling high-risk fluids. For example, if the pressure inside your pump rises or falls past a configured point, the Guardian can be programmed to react in a number of ways, options include, deadhead and stop, deadhead and restart.

You can find out more about Tapflo’s innovative Guardian System here: Diaphragm Pump Guardian System

Pneumatic Level Controller

Pneumatic Level Controller

Tapflo’s Pneumatic Level Controller is an ingenious system that is typically installed in sumps, tanks or tubs, and can be used in hazardous areas due to the pneumatic operation of the system. A predetermined liquid level can be programmed into the Level Controller so when the liquid reaches this predetermined level, the unit will shut off your pump, making it ideal for measuring set levels or liquid and preventing overfill spillage.

Pneumatic Batch Controllers

When an application requires a set volume to be accurately and repeatedly dispensed, the Tapflo Pneumatic Batch Controllers are ideal. Options included within the Batch Controller range are the TPUK-BP, which will stop operation once a number of pre-set strokes have been counted, and the TPUK-BT, which automatically stops once a set amount of time has elapsed. Both of these products are available with internal mounted control, TPUK-BPI and TPUK-BTI.

Life Counter

Our Diaphragm Pump Life Counter protects your pump and your business by monitoring the operation of your pump and how much it is working. The system records data by monitoring the exhaust of the Diaphragm Pump, which allows our customers to implement a maintenance routine to prevent breakdowns.

Active Pulsation Dampener

Pulsation Dampener

The DT Active Pulsation Dampener from Tapflo can be partnered with Metal, Sanitary or HDPE/PTFE Diaphragm Pumps and can be supplied at the time of purchase as a complete system or supplied retrospectively and can be easily fitted into your installation. Diaphragm Pumps are notorious for large pulsations in their output which can be problematic for some applications, a Pulsation Dampener minimises vibrations which also reduces the maintenance costs for your pump.

To find out more about SuperPulse, head over to her Superhero account page here: DT Series Active Pulsation Dampener

Heating and Cooling Jackets

Heating and Cooling Jackets maintain the temperature of the fluid within your pump, it’s fairly self-explanatory but the heating jacket keeps fluid in your pump hot, whilst a cooling jacket keeps the fluid in your pump, you guessed it, cool! This is achieved through circulating a medium, often steam or water, around your pump. Electric Jackets are also available on request. These accessories are typically used for products such as butter or chocolate when it’s important to keep the product in a melted state to ensure it doesn’t cool and block the pipework.

Find out more: Heating Jacket

Tapflo UK have an array of Diaphragm Pump Accessories available to support your installation, you can view the full range of Diaphragm Pump Accessories, including a Pressure Switch, Pneumatic Start Stop Units and Diaphragm Pump Life Counter, on our product pages.

If you have any questions, use our live chat in the bottom right-hand corner of our website to chat with a member of the team. Alternatively, call us to discuss improving efficiency of your Diaphragm Pump and installation.

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